Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goals and Reasons

"When I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the future of the human race. " ~H.G. Wells 

Portion Control

How long can you "diet" and gain back you weight before you begin wonder if you can do it at all? How long will you lose and gain, lose and gain before your body takes exception? How can an industry that has only a 3% success rate tell you anything about how to lose weight and more importantly, keep it off? Why do diets fail time and time again? Clearly diets don't work for the long term. You must do something that you can 'live' with.

It started with Weight Watchers. I was on their points system and doing well, than one day I become obsessed with eating a "Twinkie". First you must understand, I don't like Twinkies. The last time I tasted one I was 11 years old and I have never thought about them until that day. Of course, I wanted to know why I was obsessed with a Twinkie. So I started  thinking about this obsession.

First question was why? I figured that I was feeling deprived. Solution: don't get deprived. Next question: What can I do? This took longer to answer because I had to figure out, what changes did I know I could do. I finally realized that I could reduce my potions without feeling deprived. This I know I can do. Not try to do, but I knew absolutely that I can do.

I leave a little on my plate, once I get use to that size potion, I reduce it some more. It takes a while before you actually start to lose weight, but it comes and you hardly feel it. But more importantly YOU DON'T FEEL DEPRIVED. 

1 Hour Around the House
I have been sedately and cocooning. Not wanting to go anywhere or do anything. I have to change this behavior. I want to FEEL like going out to ride, I FEEL like going out. I want to do things. This starts with moving around the house and not putting things off. 

Walk Hill 5 to 6 Times a Week
I have a schedule for walking the hill. Right now I'm on 2 to 3 times a week. This "hill walking" strengthens my legs faster than a flat walk and I feel a difference in my knees the next day.


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